雅虎向Sandisk播放器提供音乐服务 网页制作常见问题
发布时间: 2007-04-10 00:00:00
Flash memory maker Sandisk Corp. said on Monday that Yahoo Inc. would provide music services for its Sansa Connect digital audio player.
  Sansa Connect has a built-in wireless communication connection, allowing users to download songs from Yahoo's service without first linking to a personal computer.
  The device, first introduced in January, is now available for sale in the United States, according to Sandisk, which says it is the No. 2 seller in the U.S. of MP3 players, behind Apple Inc.

  闪存生产商Sandisk周一宣布,雅虎将向该公司旗下的Sansa Connect数字音乐播放器提供音乐服务。
  Sansa Connect有一个内置的无线传输连接功能,使用者可以不必首先连接个人电脑,即可从雅虎的音乐服务中下载歌曲。
  Sandisk表示,Sansa Connect是在1月推出的,目前在美国有售。Sandisk表示其是继苹果之后美国MP3音乐播放器市场的第二大销售商。

